Dreamwork Course
Do you love dreams? Have you felt the inclination that dreams are not "just dreams" but hold a deeper importance for your human experience? Do you have curiosity about dreamwork as a spiritual practice and how it can benefit your life? Join us for a five week exploration to the art and practice of Shamanic Dreamwork, grounded in the ancient wisdoms of womb shamanism that stems from ancient Europe. This is a safe container of learning, growth, collaboration, and transformation through the art of dreamwork. As with all things spiritual, and steeped in the regenerative principle, this learning is not linear. We will delve into the Mystery and discover what is meant for us there at this time. This will be a time of healing expansion, witnessed and supported by this community, or hive, of dreamers. The structure of this course will be a combination of informational and experiential - we will be held by the structure of linear form and tangible information while then freed to the intangible unfolding of our unique experience.
This course will be held Wednesday mornings, 10-12am MST.
Each week we will have a specific focus of learning combined with practice and related home explorations.
Week 1: The Welcome
Week 2: Courtship
Week 3: Deepening into Darkness
Week 4: Stepping into the Imaginal
Week 5: Conclusions and New Beginnings
The price of this course is $240.00. Please register by clicking on the button below. If another payment method is needed or you have questions regarding sliding scale, please reach out to me directly: megan@littlegoathealing.com